A Tuesday
We had some firsts today – S went to Swim with his class despite early refusals. Thankfully, it went well. He practiced three strokes and was exhausted at the end. He also is starting to get to know other kids in his class as he tries to speak a little German. Good thing because Ariana wasn’t there today. It was a better day for M – she was invited to a 6-year old’s bday party this Saturday. How cute is that?! D decided to stay for lunch, bought a lunch ticket off a classmate, and stayed for Nachmittag Schule. He finally got to walk home but we intercepted him along the way. It was time for a walk to Eiscafe Paradiso for 1€ Kugeleis in a Becher or Wafel. Today we ordered Kokosnuss, Haselnuss, Schokolade, und Pistazie. YUM!