Back to unser deutscher Alltag – school. We also helped Opa in the backyard. There was lots of ivy cutting, tree trimming, and toting dead branches up the hill. We can easily see the steps and walk down to the street branch-free now. It was a job well done and well paid – 2 Eiskugels each!
First came school and then a 6-hour trip to Westendorf, Österreich (Tirol!). Whew – a full day. Luckily, the Pension Eichenheim is wonderful, clean, and comfortable. We have 2 rooms both with balconies, bathrooms, and breakfast. The rain has followed us here but will hopefully let up tomorrow.
Oh, and so as not to forget – M sharpened so many colored pencils in the Kindergarten today she actually got a blister!
After a delicious breakfast with Uli und Miri here at our Pension, we began our adventure. First stop was to visit Jumper, their Pferd, and take him spazieren. The kids got to help get him ready (brush, clean hooves, put on shoes, saddle, reins, etc) and then we took them out and about. M got to lead Jumper while A rode him and then they traded places. Even S went for a ride when we returned to the stable!
Next stop was a ride up the Alpenrosenbahn in Westendorf to the Bergstation Talkaser where we ate lunch followed by a Wandernung to ice cream ?. Destination was the Gasthof Brechhornhaus, about an hour away, and then the Kreuzjöchlsee, which had crystal clear water! And ice cold. We got a bit misdirected on the way back and found ourselves walking straight down the mountain in a cow field (read NO path). The earth was soaked with water, like walking on a sponge, so our shoes got wet. S tore his shorts climbing over barbed wire but D found 2€! We then realized we had to hurry or we would miss the last gondola down. Even as the herd of cows tried to block our path, we made it back in time.
Oma and Opa even made the trip here from Deutschland and we met for dinner at Restaurant Giardino in Kirchberg. Tomorrow, we will climb another mountain!
After breakfast together, we realized the weather might not hold so we went with Plan B. Instead of another mountain, we toured Schloss Tratzberg in Jenbach. It was just a 10-minute walk straight uphill and a 5-minute tram ride down. After a long wait we ate our quick lunch at Schlosswirt Tratzberg before our 5-hour drive back.
A rainy day. We had hoped to work in the yard this afternoon but no luck. Instead Hubby, M, and I went shopping to the Stern Center. Hubby said he wasn’t buying anything and he didn’t. M, however, got 2 flannels for 2,99€ each, I got a sweater for 5€, and S a hoodie for 6€. Oh, and some 1€ Germany glasses for D just for fun. Bargains!
We didn’t plan anything this afternoon so the kids took advantage and planned their own excursion. They waited for M to be done at the Kindergarten and walked together to Sehne to get lunch and some ice cream before they walked home. It was an experience – Sehne only had one Belegtebrot left so they had to ask if more could be made. After some grammar correction and a mild look of annoyance, they got their lunch. And their ice cream. We finished the evening with a nice walk with a soccer ball.
We left a little early from school today because we had an appointment to make chocolate at RitterSport in Waldenbuch. Well, the kids did and Annalena ist mit gekommen. This is always a fun treat – to make your own, favorite kind of chocolate and even design the packaging. Us grown-ups got to sit and enjoy an Eiscafe. Also a fun treat. Not sure which is better …
Got the kids out of school early today for a Werkbesichtigung bei Mercedes Benz Sindelfingen. Very cool! We actually got to walk around inside the factory where they build the E- and S-class, including the Maybach. We got to wear safety glasses and orange vests which are ours to keep. We were right there on the floor watching some of the 5,200 robots construct the frames and then the factory workers along the line. We didn’t get to see the body paint part because it’s dust free. We were so close, we could have pushed the buttons to control the line. Or dropped water bottles into the vehicles. Unfortunately, we couldn’t take any pictures inside the factory. Oh, well, these will have to do.
It’s always nice to spend time with family. And Hubby did just that – he had breakfast with Tante at RitterSport Friday morning. Yummy! Then we met the kids at school and went to Sehne for lunch and a celebratory ice cream. After one week of school, the kids finally realize why people look forward to the weekend so much. After school, we spent the afternoon cleaning up. Miri und Uli arrive tonight and then almost everyone will be here tomorrow. Full house!
Spent some time at real-Supermarkt this morning getting the food for this afternoon. By the time we got home, the tables were set, people were here, and the festivities were beginning. We grilled, we talked, we laughed, and we got to meet Yoshua, the newest cousin. What a nice afternoon!
We went for a short walk to the Wiese this morning before Carsten, Melanie, und Yoshua had to head home. Then we went for ice cream. Of course! Got to rest up tonight – another week of school starts in the morning!
Oh, the biggest news is that today, M finally got to wear all her own clothes! We had to check all of our roll-aboards when we left IAD and the airline somehow managed to lose M’s along the way. Ooops. Thankfully, it finally arrived on Wednesday but that meant we had to wash clothes for her daily and she was borrowing what she could of ours. She was quite happy this morning to be wearing a completely different outfit from her own wardrobe.
The event for today was a quick jaunt Heidelberg after school. It’s a favorite of ours. We walked, saw the sights, had some delicious gelato, bought a couple of souvenirs, and had Döner Kebap for dinner. A great way to spend the afternoon!
Karlsplatz, HeidelbergEisessen an der SteingasseSchlangenweg to PhilosophenwegKebap HausA view of Heidelberg from the PhilosophenwegDöner!
School finishes at different times for the kids. M is done at 13.30, D and A finish at 13.05, and S is done at 12.25. That’s a challenge for pick up times. So, today we picked S at up 12.25 and we had lunch at home. D and A decided to hang at the school for Mittagspause and wait for Mia to be done and the 3 would walk home together. Good plan which they made better by stopping for Eis on their way home. Before lunch. Stinkers!
We spend a nice evening visiting friends. We got to see Micha und Jana’s new apartment and watch the Germany lose to South Korea, 0-2 (that wasn’t good) and ate a delicious dinner. And, S won 10€ playing SkipBo! So not a win for Germany but S will be treating us all to some Eis. That is a win! 🙂
mit Lily.Zum Wohl!Getting ready for the game to start.The night’s winner!
We had some firsts today – S went to Swim with his class despite early refusals. Thankfully, it went well. He practiced three strokes and was exhausted at the end. He also is starting to get to know other kids in his class as he tries to speak a little German. Good thing because Ariana wasn’t there today. It was a better day for M – she was invited to a 6-year old’s bday party this Saturday. How cute is that?! D decided to stay for lunch, bought a lunch ticket off a classmate, and stayed for Nachmittag Schule. He finally got to walk home but we intercepted him along the way. It was time for a walk to Eiscafe Paradiso for 1€ Kugeleis in a Becher or Wafel. Today we ordered Kokosnuss, Haselnuss, Schokolade, und Pistazie. YUM!